How many pitches does it take to get published? The truth is that 90% of people only send a single pitch and never follow up. That means by sending just one follow-up pitch, you’re already ahead of nine out of every 10 people pitching for features.

But that doesn’t mean you’ll get published right away. It can take up to eight to 12 pitches before your pitch gets seen, noticed, or picked up. An efficient and effective follow-up plan will help increase your potential of landing features.

At FITposium ‘22 we’ll guide you on how to pitch, as well as how to follow-up so you start landing more features!

But, it gets better! At FITposium ‘22 you won’t just learn how to get published and get featured in various media outlets, but just by attending, you will have the chance to audition for top magazine, podcast, digital and TV features! 

We’ve partnered with incredible media outlets to bring you opportunities to get featured in Train for Her Magazine, Inside Fitness Magazine, Fitness Magazine, Muscle & Health Magazine, ICONFIT Magazine and so many more!

FITposium ‘22 is Oct 13-16 and offers both in person and virtual passes.

Sign up now at