One of our clients forwarded a contract she had received from a magazine requesting her to sign. Below are a few excerpts from the contract. I’m curious if this is something you would consider signing not knowing who the magazine is or what monetary value is involved.

Note; I’ve corrected spelling errors and misused words so it reads clearly for you.

“Major hair changes in length and/or color, new visible tattoos, plastic surgery or other changes the (Magazine) deems as major changes to the Model’s appearance can be grounds for contract termination without notifying the Company first and getting approval.”

“The Most agrees to promote the Company a minimum of three (3) times a month when not being featured in any aspect, foreign or domestic.”

“The model must promote the magazine as her top magazine for the duration of this Agreement.”

“They (model) may not overtly promote, marketing or work for another fitness-based magazine or fitness magazine owned/branded project…”

The last one in particular jumped out at me the most. If you signed this contract you are essentially saying that for a year you would not do any work for another magazine.

This is why it is essential to read what is put in front of you, regardless of how good the opportunity may seem.

James Patrick
IG @jpatrickphoto