Okay so that is the most misleading title I could ever have used for this blog article. Permit me to explain with the following story to illustrate my point.

A few weeks ago I had a model from another city contact me to commend me on my work as a photographer in the fitness industry. She then asked a moderately peculiar question. She asked “can you send me contacts?”

Perplexed, I inquired as to what she meant by “send me contacts.”

Her response was that she wanted me to put her in touch with fitness photographers in her area, fitness modeling agents in her area and fitness magazines in her area.

Bear in mind, I’ve never met this person nor have I really had any conversation with them previously. Yet I was being asked to provide them with contacts to build their portfolio for them, contacts to consider signing them and contacts to publish them.

Assuming I was not reading this properly; I offered instead a wealth of information on how they could pave the path they wanted in their modeling career. I linked them to multiple blogs they could follow with information on how to develop a great career modeling as well as relevant articles I had written about pitching to magazines, developing client relationships, etc. Even linked them to TheProExposure podcasts which are all about how models can better their careers.

I ended with, please let me know if this information is helpful to you.

Couple days went by – no response. Not even a small response of insincere gratitude. Then a few more days went by. Then a few weeks.

Unfortunately this talent did not want information to help her be successful. She wanted the magic solution. That quick fix. The perfect and easy remedy to solve all of her problems and help her achieve all of her goals.

We see this a lot in many industries and mass marketing prays on it.

Get in shape quick, just take this pill which has a laundry list of side effects. But it is simple!

Get money without having to work for it. Attend any pyramid marketing meeting to see what that is like.

Spoiler alert! There is no magic solution.

It seems that very few are willing to do the hard work (and yes it is hard work) to strategize what they want. To set goals for themselves. To break those goals into milestones. And then to put themselves through the effort of achieving one milestone after the next.

This is why I have such admiration for those who I see achieve what they want. Whether it is in business or their personal life. And I stress the emphasis on the word “achieve.”

They are the few who earned IT.

James Patrick