After the recent FMI Event in Arizona I’ve seen a lot of energy and motivation from talents within the health and fitness industry as they are ramping up to develop their brands and market themselves.

A question I’ve received multiple times since the event is; what specifically do I say (or write) when I am contacting magazines?

Being someone that used to work on the publication side I noted some of the things I would look for when I would receive pitch letters. Several of the key facets include (in this order).

  1. What is unique or different or special about the pitch you are sending?
  2. Why does this pitch matter to the publication and its readers?
  3. What specifically are you asking the publication to consider? Do you want them to look at you as a model? Do you want to write for them? Specifically what do you hope to happen with this information you are sending them?

In efforts to expand upon these; I’ve sought out marketing and communications specialist Serena Zelezny Hall to gather her thoughts and input on this topic. Since pitching yourself as a model and pitching yourself as a writer are quite different in nature; her suggestions are worded to help in either case. Here is what she said…

  1. Study the publications. Pick up a few copies of the magazines you would like to contact. Look at what types of articles or photo spreads they tend to feature. Are you a good fit? Also, look at the masthead to see whom the decision makers are – editors, art directors, photographers. You’ll want to address your emails or letters to them personally.
  2. Write a letter or email that is short and to-the-point. Like all of us, editors and magazine photographers are busy people. So, avoid long, wordy emails that include your life story. Instead, think about why you would be a good fit for this publication, whether as a model or expert columnist – then highlight those points. What makes you unique? In the end, your email might include a short introduction, the reason why you’re contacting them, and why you think you are perfect for their publication. Don’t forget, that grammar and spelling go a long way. So, make sure to read through your email a few times before you hit send.
  3. Be sure to include with your email a professional resume, portfolio or comp card, and even a website or a blog. There are lots of people who would love to break into this business. These tools will help you stand out by establishing credibility and demonstrating your professionalism as a fitness model.


Hopefully these tips and recommendations will assist you in your publication pursuits! For more information on Serena Zelezny Hall and her service, please visit her website at
