
Loving what you do

I was sitting in the lobby waiting for a portfolio review with a magazine's photo editor when I struck up a conversation with the receptionist. She is an avid photographer who is obsessed with taking endless photos of the Brooklyn Bridge (because every photo she takes...

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Which job would you like?

A recent conversation with a modeling talent went something like this... Model: I want to be in a magazine! Me: Which one? Model: Any one! Making a statement like this is the same as being interviewed for a job and when asked what job you're applying for you respond...

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Dealing with a Bad Opportunity

Working within our industry, it does not take long before you come across a bad opportunity. Now when I say "bad" I don't mean bad overall (although that may be the case), I mean "bad" for you personally. But sometimes... someone will throw and outrageous and...

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For Love or Money?

It can be challenging, as a business owner to balance the two... love and money. There are jobs you have to take because, after all, you're a business and a business must turn a profit. Then there are things you do because you love what are you involved in. Personal...

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What it is not about

As a modeling talent, you attempt to pitch yourself to a magazine or a commercial client and you don't hear back. Discouraged you decide never to submit again are feel resentful towards the publication or client. After all - how could they ignore YOU? It is you and...

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Breaking Your Job Title

For seven years I held the title as "Marketing Coordinator" which may lead you to believe that my job solely involved the coordination of marketing efforts. If you were to read the job description it would say something like "responsibilities include proposal...

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