Although I’ve been a photographer for close to 20 years… exactly 10 years ago I made it official with the launch of James Patrick Photography, LLC.
It is crazy to look back on what was achieved during that time.
500+ magazine covers.
400+ podcast episodes.
50+ photography awards.
7 FITposium events.
1500+ attendees.
Best selling book.
Launched our mastermind.
50+ coaching client success stories.
And of course there’s so much more I just wouldn’t have the space to start!!
But more importantly… I get to work with my family and my closest friends every single day. That is the thing I wanted more than anything when I launched my business and a true indicator of my fulfillment.
And not a single one of these things would have even remotely been possible if it were not for you all my clients.
Thank you for trusting me.
Thank you for being there.
Thank you for the support.
Thank you for being the greatest clients I could ever hope for and more.
So cheers to this past decade.
Let’s make this next one even bigger together!